Name: Seth the Twilight Master
Age: Unknown
Grnder: Male
Origin: ex Shan elder demon god
Occupation: His highness Master of nightmares and godslayer.
Weaopon of choice:
Height: 340cm/11'15
Skin/fur: Unhelthy cold white
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green with red irises
Traits: Pointy long teeths, hair waving like they were alive and in water, short boney tail, unproportionaly long and thin body, back spikes,black blood, constant crocodile smile, awfull attitude, long, pointy tongue
Tattos, piercings etc: 3 piercings in his tongue, propably few in ears(hidden, never to be seen)and 3 on each shoulder bone, golden circlet around his neck is also a piercing, tatto like markings on his arms, hands and back and red scarlike markings around his eyes, his symbol tattoed on his belly.
Clothing: semi egyptian loincloth, metal wristbands and semi mummy material straps
Personality: ...He's an ass. Sneaky, manipulative and evil to very core of his bones, intelligent arsehole and he loves it. He enjoys torment, torture and finally killing everything or anybody, whenever he's got the ocassion, and specially when it is of a godly origin right after messing with it on mental level. He feeds on souls, fear and pain of his victims, and whatever is left he turns into a mindless minions, Nightmyres or Soulcatchers which he uses to invade dreams - the only way of him to reach out beyound his sealed realm. He's in good mood for most of the time in his twisted and sick way, means he grins for most of the time like a homocidal, patlogical maniac which he is. Beeing a creature od darkness he hates light, specyfically sunlight.
Ex-wife: Anusenneth
Kids: Kamn
Creator/brother: Abraxas
-"If you only knew what was hidden behind the walls of your dreams you wouldn't dare to close your eyes again."
-"I am the primal fear."
-"Ha! It's not that easy. I don't give death for free"
-"Nobody values or respects life more than me. Every living creature will desperatly fight for it, with pain and sweet agony. Taking life away from somebody who dosen't appreciate it, it's no fun"
Seth by me

Seth guestart

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